Oh yeah, that’s right. I have a blog thingie!

Hi gang!  Humblest apologies for leaving you in the lurch for nigh on a month.  It’s been quite busy here in Spare Oom, between the Day Job, prepping A Division of Souls for publication, and going to Outside Lands, I’m afraid I’ve been a bit lax in the blogosphere.  That’s hopefully going to change this week, as I now have a Best Laid Plan to post here on a weekly basis again.  [That on top of said Day Job, promoting ADoS and prepping The Persistence of Memories next, among other things.  Thus calling it a Best Laid Plan.  And you know how those often work out for me.]  [ANYWAY]

Speaking of Best Laid Plans, my plan to use my nicer camera at Outside Lands was sadly put aside during the very first band I saw (The Family Crest), in which I was told by OL Security to put it away, as it was bigger than acceptable.  I called bullshit on it, but as mentioned elsewhere, I don’t want to be that photographer, and duly put it away.  It put a bit of a damper on my mood, but it didn’t ruin it.  Instead I just chose to enjoy the weekend, eat horrible food, and get a nice sunburn in the process.  I just don’t have any decent pictures to post.  Sorry about that.

In other music news, I’ve been a bit backed up in my downloads as of late.  This past summer has been a bit thin in the release area, which is actually kind of expected, considering Q3 releases don’t kick into high gear until late August.  I’ll go through my collection in a day or so and report on what I’ve enjoyed so far.

Until then, enjoy a great track from The Family Crest, with a video filmed about three blocks away from our apartment!  That’s Geary Boulevard, and he’s walking from 22nd Avenue (he lights up in front of Sakana Bune, which is our favorite sushi boat restaurant) and ends up at the Blarney Stone the next block over.  At the end you can also see the 38 Muni go by.  🙂

BRB, Heading to Outside Lands

OH HEY I can see my house from here

OH HEY I can see my house from here

…and of course you know I’m bringing my good camera with me.

[OK, I’m not leaving just yet.  It’s tomorrow and my commute there is basically taking the 29 Muni to Golden Gate Park.  You really can see our apartment in this picture.]

Stay tuned for some cool pix of bands rockin’ out!